Comprehensive services for your project


Your logo on your products

We take pride in designing products bearing your logo and brand identity. Whether you run a women's salon or any other business, you will find the perfect solution to highlight your identity and attract more clients.

We guarantee you high quality in all the products we offer, as well as trust and reliability at every stage of the purchasing and shipping process.

Our services

Covering all logistics fields

Trusted Logistics Services
Trusted Logistics Services
Transit Time
on Time
& reliability
Latest Projects

Works across the world

We always strive to provide the highest levels of quality and professionalism in everything we offer.

Why Choose Us

We create opportunity to reach potential

We always strive to provide the highest levels of quality and professionalism in everything we offer. We are distinguished by our uniqueness in serving you and meeting your commercial needs with precision and attention.

Fast delivery

Competitive prices

High quality

Specialized support


    Project Completed


    Years of experience


    The total hours we worked


    Companies we worked for

    Silver guarantee
    SAR 500
    • Includes product arriving intact
    • Arrives in intact packaging
    • Includes printing and logos intact and high resolution as agreed
    • The inventory of quantities from the factory from which a quote is received includes a number
    • Pricing a number at a discount of 50% from the value of the fees
    • Multi-location shipping is not included
    • Electrical appliances are not included in the warranty
    • Term payment is not included
    Golden guarantee
    SAR 1000
    • Includes product arriving intact
    • Arrives in intact packaging
    • Includes printing and logos intact and high resolution as agreed
    • The inventory of quantities from the factory from which a quote is received includes a number
    • Sending 2 to 3 different prices for one product
    • And 5 prices for other products with a 50% discount on the price amount
    • Multi-location shipping is not included
    • Electrical appliance warranty for more than 3,000 devices, including deferred payment for bills of more than 10,000.
    Platinum guarantee
    SAR 2000
    • Printing and logos are intact and accuracy is as agreed
    • Compensation and replacement of the product with a new part
    • Free samples of up to 10 products
    • Compensation of 3% of the total bill in the event of a delay of more than 45 days
    • Shipments ship within one business day
    • Air shipping price is fixed for all products
    • Repackaging the shipment to reduce the shipping cost
    • 5 to 10 free quotes
    • Compare factory prices and specifications between each product in one file
    • Includes shipping to more than one location
    • Includes electrical appliances warranty
    • Includes term payment

    Our work process

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