about us



Your logo on your products

You can take your freight & logistics needs with a personal approach on logixs company

We are a company specialized in importing products from China and providing innovative solutions to our customers. We are distinguished by providing integrated services that include research and pricing, wholesale contracts, and express shipping services, in addition to designing special and unique products bearing your brand.
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0 (966) 55 268 1118

Why Choose Us

We create opportunity to reach potential

We always strive to provide the highest levels of quality and professionalism in everything we offer. We are distinguished by our uniqueness in serving you and meeting your commercial needs with precision and attention.

Safety & reliable service

Real time tracking system

Our Workers

Meet expert team

We believe in the power of excellence and innovation. Our vision is to provide the highest quality and best service to our customers, focusing on meeting their needs and achieving their business goals. We aim to become our customers’ preferred partner in product importing and special product design.


Our vision

We believe in the power of excellence and innovation. Our vision is to provide the highest quality and best service to our customers, focusing on meeting their needs and achieving their business goals. We aim to become our customers' preferred partner in product importing and special product design.


Our history

Our company was established in 2020, and since then, we have provided distinguished import services and designed unique products to a large number of clients. We have a successful history of handling diverse projects, small and large, and we are proud of the role we have played in the success of our clients' businesses.


Future vision

We always strive to develop ourselves and expand the scope of our services. We aim to enhance cooperation with more customers and partners, and provide distinguished solutions that meet market needs in an innovative way. We seek to become a trusted and globally recognized brand in the field of importing products and designing special products.

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